About Library
The Dadapatil Rajale College Library was established in 1991. The library is a knowledge resource center; it helps in the teaching and learning process. Our library is stocked with more than 30,000 books, 10 News Papers, Encyclopedias, and Dictionaries. With the use of INFLIBNET, DOAJ, National and International Periodicals/Journals, e-references, e-books are available for users. Educational CDs, DVDs are covering almost all aspects of academic studies. Our library staff is always available to help users with quick references and to find the right information at the right time. Reprographic service, Book exhibition, and reading hall these facilities are useful for the student. Our library is computerized with VRUDHI software. There is a special collection of books for competitive exams. The library is open for 7 hours daily and 9 hours during the examination period. We give the BEST READER AWARD every year. The library maintains a Book Bank for needy students. The work of the library is done under the observation of the library adversary committee.
Library Activities
- 19 June - Wachan Din, (Hon.Pannikar)
- 12th August - Librarians Day, - Book reading
- 27th September - Dr.Ranganathans Memorial (Smruti) Day, Wachak mandal programme
- 15th October- Wachan Prerna Din - Book Exhibition
- 23rd April - World book day, - Essay Writing competition
Library Collections
Library Staff