Department of Geography
The Department of Geography is established in 1991. The subject is taught at General Level only. The Department organizes Lectures of the eminent lecturers. Test, Tutorial, Seminars and Group discussion are arranged regularly for the students. The students are given knowledge of Population education, Environmental Awareness, Conservation of Natural Resources and Disaster Management etc. The students from the department extend their knowledge to the people of the region to make them aware of these.
The Department celebrates ‘Environment Day’, ‘Geography Day’ and ‘Earth Day’. The department is bound to give quality education to the students. The teacher of the Department enriches his knowledge by attending International, National and State Level Seminars, Workshops, Conferences and other courses like Faculty Development Programme, Short Term Courses from time to time.
Dr. G. B. Lawande is working as a Chairman of Students Grievance Redressal Cell and Discipline and Anti Ragging Committee.

Dr. Gangadhar B. Lawande
M.A., M.Phil., Ph. D.
Designation: Assistant Professor and Head
Specialization: Population Geography
Experience: 29 Years